数学补习,数学家教,数学辅导,数学补课.OC英才班,Selective High精英中学,NAPLAN全国统考,私校奖学金,数学竞赛,奥数.


(1)个性化教学: 每个人都有独特的学习方式,我们会根据您的需求和学习风格,量身定制最适合您的数学补习计划,确保每个知识点都得到充分理解,让学习变得更高效。



Mathematics Tutoring, Math Tutor Instructor, Maths Coaching. Remote Teaching Mathematics in Online Classroom, Distance Education for Internet Math Course. Students are from Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Adelaide, Perth, etc. Through online teaching, the USA, Canada, England, New Zealand, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc can learn Mathematics easily.

1. 关于我 About Me
I am Teacher Mao. I did a lot of work in Mathematics when I was a child. I won many Mathematics competition championships in China. I have a Master’s Degree from the University of Sydney. China Mathematics Olympiad coach. NAPLAN Marking Teacher, Australia Mathematics Competition Specialist Expert. The Computational and Algorithmic Thinking (CAT) competition, formerly known as the Australian Informatics Competition (AIC).

2. 关于教学生 About Teaching Students
在澳洲自2008年以来, 在课堂里, 以及一对一,一对二, 教过上万名学生。我的学生都很轻松地在英才班,精英中学和纽省高考的数学考试中拿到了高分,考上James Ruse精英中学,Baulkham Hills精英中学等等。三个学生获得了AMC澳洲数学竞赛Prize最高奖。英文授课,如有需要也可中文讲课。
I have taught ten thousand of students in one-to-one, one-to-two, and in-classroom since 2008. My students easily achieved high marks in O.C., Selective High, and HSC Mathematics examinations. Some of them enter James Ruse Agricultural High School, Baulkham Hills High School, etc. 3 students were awarded the AMC prize.
NSW的OC和精英中学考试的数学题目和奥数竞赛题有相似之处:对相应的数学概念进行变换,比正常学校进度高1到2年来选拔,考察孩子思考问题、分析问题、推理并解决问题的思维能力。做有趣有效的数学课,运用Thinking Skills建立和培养孩子的逻辑和推理能力,掌握思维技能。
The questions in OC and Selective High School Exams are similar to Maths Olympiad Competition Questions.
我每周教学生做奥数,参加澳大利亚的ICAS, MCYA, APSMO, AMC, AIMO等数学竞赛,很多都拿到了顶级1%的最高奖。并在英才班O.C.考试中拿到了数学满分。在精英中学的考试中,典型的例子能拿到如下分数:数学 37/40(即40道题做对37题),GA 55/60(即60道题做对55题)
I taught students the Olympiad Mathematics every week. Most students were awarded the top 1% High Distinction in ICAS, MCYA, APSMO, AMC, AIMO, Enrichment, etc. Mathematics Competition. And got full marks in the O.C. Mathematics test. In the Selective High test, a typical score is like 37/40 in Math and 55/60 in GA.
I have Mathematics Classes at PeiJi Chinese School(Blacktown Girls High School). Students are from Year 1 to Year 12.

3. 关于家教 About Tutoring
I provide tutoring for students from Year 1 to Year 12.
教 普通数学 和/或 奥林匹克数学。重点关注O.C.考试,精英考试,全国统考,私校奖学金考试 和 数学竞赛。纽省高考HSC 2U/3U Math Extension 1。培养学生分析问题,解决问题的能力。锻炼数学思维。
Teach general Math and/or Olympiad Math. Focus on O.C., Selective High, NAPLAN, Scholarship, and Mathematics Competition.  HSC 2U/3U Maths Extension 1. Cultivate students’ ability to analyze problems and solve problems to get thinking skills.

4. 关于地点 About Location
对于 悉尼Hills区和Blacktown周围区可以到我家。其它地方提供远程教学,在线教室白板远程授课,实时网络讲课。
For students in the Sydney Hills or Blacktown area, please come to my home. Provide remote teaching with classroom whiteboards for other places.
范围:悉尼西北Hills区 和 Blacktown周围区:包括但不限于Kellyville, Bella Vista, Baulkham Hills, Castle Hill, Glenwood, Stanhope Gardens, Parklea, Beaumont Hills, Rouse Hill, The Ponds, Kellyville Ridge, Acacia Gardens, Blacktown, etc. 不在此范围的可以在线网络教育,开网课。
Suburbs Locations: Sydney Hills District & Blacktown District: Including but not limited to: Kellyville, Bella Vista, Baulkham Hills, Castle Hill, Glenwood, Stanhope Gardens, Parklea, Beaumont Hills, Rouse Hill, The Ponds, Kellyville Ridge, Acacia Gardens, Blacktown, etc. Not in these areas, there is online education.

5. 教材与考卷 Textbooks and test paper
教材和习题精选自澳洲,新加坡,中国大陆,美国,台湾等国家,难度有深有浅,因材施教,可以满足各阶层的学生。Textbooks and test papers are selected from Australia, Singapore, China, USA, Taiwan, etc. All levels are covered. NAPLAN, ICAS, AMC, APSMO, etc.

  • Year 1–Year 6: O.C., Selective High, NAPLAN, Scholarship, Mathematics Olympiad. AMC.
  • Year 7–Year 10: Explain, Practice, Improve.
  • Year11–Year12: Math General, Math(2U), Math Extension 1(3U)

6. 综合简介 Introduction
数学基础强化提高–OC英才班,Selective High精英中学,补习Year1 to Year12 一年级到十二年级。OC/Selective/Scholarship一对一强化辅导,快速提高应试能力和考试成绩。

地址: 悉尼西北,包括但不限于 Castle Hill,Baukham Hills,Bella Vista,Kellyville,Glenwood,Stanhope Gardens,etc.等等。任何地区都可以提供在线远程教学。
所属类别: 学习培训 -补习
联系人: 茅老师
联系电话: 0401 233 753
微信号: oziter
Telegram: @ozitermao    Whatsapp: +61 401 233 753
– 数学补习,基础强化提高:
– 针对一年级到十二年级。
– O.C.英才班,Selective High精英中学,数学专项辅导。
– 奥林匹克数学(奥数),私校奖学金 等 数学强化。

7. 学生评价 Testimonials

  • (1). 茅老师是个细心的人,他分析问题非常透彻,讲解问题能找到问题的关键。– Ava Yang
  • (2). 感谢茅老师,他让我找到了自信,也让我找到了学习数学的乐趣。– Charlotte Zhang
  • (3). 茅老师根据我的数学程度,来讲解题目,使我很快就能明白其中的含义。– Jack Gao
  • (4). 我一直喜欢数学,但是总有个瓶颈过不去,通过对茅老师奥数题目的学习,使我不再怕难题。– William Liu
  • (5). 通过茅老师,我见识了大量不同的题型,以及它们的解题方法。– Oliver Wang


8. 与我联系 Contact Me
Telegram: @ozitermao
Whatsapp: +61 401 233 753



——————————————————— Maths

About Maths 关于奥数